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Centre of Excellence for Behaviour Management

Introductory video (4min 6sec)


CEBM is housed at the:

Riverside School Board

CEBM is one of the six Centres of Excellence part of the:

Inclusive Education Services Management Committee

About the CEBM

  • The Centre of Excellence for Behaviour Management (CEBM) is one of the six centres of the Inclusive Education Services Management Committee (IESMC) of the English School Boards of Quebec.


  • It is a provincial service funded and mandated by the Québec Ministry of Education (Ministère de l'Éducation du Québec - MEQ).


  • It is housed at the Riverside School Board (RSB) and it is managed by the Directors General of the English School Boards of Quebec.


  • It is designed to offer support and expertise to the English School Boards of Quebec to help them to increase their capacity to implement best practice approaches in prevention and intervention with students who have challenging behaviours.

The MANDATE of the CEBM is to provide: 

  1. Support to School Boards and Schools​

  2. Continuous Professional Development

  3. Research and Development Activities

  4. Contribution to the Development of Provincial Expertise

Meet our team

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Martine Demers, M.Ed.

Behaviour Consultant (retired)

Martine is a Behaviour Consultant at Riverside School Board. She has over 25 years of experience supporting school teams with their most challenging students, helping staff to keep these students in the regular classroom or in a regular school environment. She is very creative in finding developmentally friendly and trauma-informed solutions for these students and schools.


She is actively involved in professional development, consultation, class intervention, and helping to build the capacity of school teams. This is done through discussions which lead to developing other intervention strategies and resources within the school. Martine is fully trained to provide professional development in the Neufeld developmental paradigm.


Eva de Gosztonyi, M.A., OPQ

Honorary member and Founder of CEBM (retired)

Eva is a Psychologist who has worked for over 40 years in schools across Canada. She has a Masters degree in psychology from Concordia University, Montreal and a Bachelor of Education degree from University of Saskatchewan. Since 2000, as the Coordinator of the Centre of Excellence for Behaviour Management, she has provided support to the English School Boards of Quebec, helping them to implement effective interventions for students with behavioural challenges.


Eva bases her interventions on current neuroscientific research including the effect of trauma on brain development and on behaviour, and her practice is significantly informed by the attachment-based integrated developmental approach of Dr. Gordon Neufeld. 


Eva believes that educators can foster the natural processes of development in their interactions and attachments with students in the classroom and in the school. In her presentations Eva weaves together theory and practice, learning and behaviour, to help those who work with children learn how to apply developmental science and theory so that they can most effectively help children and youth become the “best that they can be” even if they have behavioural challenges.

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Catherine Korah, M.Ed., c.o.,psychotherapist

Coordinator and Behaviour Consultant

Catherine is a Behaviour Consultant and the Coordinator of CEBM. For over 15 years, she has worked in a number of educational settings with both elementary and secondary students with challenging behaviour problems. She has been actively involved in providing professional development, consultation, and liaising with various health and social service agencies. Catherine is very adept at finding developmentally friendly and trauma-informed solutions for students at all levels. Catherine is trained to provide professional development in the Neufeld developmental paradigm.

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Martine Demers

Behaviour Consultant (part-time replacement)

Martine has over 25 years of experience supporting school teams with their most challenging students, helping staff to keep these students in the regular classroom or in a regular school environment. She is very creative in finding developmentally friendly and trauma-informed solutions for these students and schools.


She is actively involved in offering professional development and team consultations to build capacity within school boards. Martine is fully trained to provide professional development in the Neufeld developmental paradigm.


Zarina Fernandes

Behaviour Technician - NSC Consultant

Zarina, with a background in special care counselling as well as in inclusive education, has over 10 years of experience working as a Special Education Technician in schools to support students with behavioural challenges. She has also been collaborating with CEBM to implement and fine-tune the use of a Nurturing Support Centre. Thanks to her keen vision and immense creativity, she has contributed in designing resources for the centre. Zarina will be consulting with school teams to assist them in setting up their NSC.


Nathalie Malo

Translator and Webmaster

Nathalie has training in psychology and has years of experience translating documents in this field. She is a valued member of this team and she helps out in numerous capacities, including the CEBM website, newsletter, blog, event coordination, social media, database, and many other behind the scenes responsibilities.

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CEBM - Riverside School Board

7525, chemin de Chambly

Saint-Hubert, QC  J3Y 0N7

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